ROV Planet Articles

International Submarine Engineering and Hedgehog Technologies Enter Partnership to Advance the Marine Industry in British Columbia

Two leading engineering companies, International Submarine Engineering Ltd. and Hedgehog Technologies are pleased to announce a partnership aimed at advancing the marine industry through innovation and sustainability.

Acteon Geo-services awarded floating wind site investigation by BlueFloat Energy and Renantis Partnership

TerraSond and Benthic, Geo-services brands in Acteon’s Data and Robotics division, have been awarded a combined geophysical and geotechnical survey work scope by the BlueFloat Energy and Renantis Partnership for its Bellrock and Broadshore wind farms northeast of Aberdeen, Scotland. BlueFloat Energy and Renantis joined forces to develop floating offshore wind projects in response to last year’s ScotWind licensing round. When operational, the Bellrock and Broadshore wind farms will have capacities of 1200 and 900 MW, respectively.

The 4th Generation of Subnero Modems are Here!

Subnero are thrilled to introduce their newest product release - Generation 4 WNC product series. Equipped with new and improved software, UnetStack4, their generation 4 modems are designed to take your underwater communication to the next level. The Subnero latest release includes a range of exciting features that will satisfy all of your deployment needs.

Saipem Awarded New Offshore EPCI Contracts

Saipem has been awarded three new offshore contracts and two competitive FEED contracts totalling approximately 650 million USD.

The biggest offshore wind 'living lab' in the world to be developed in the Humber

The biggest offshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world will be created off the Grimsby coast through the development of a 5G Testbed that includes Grimsby Port and the Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farm.

JF Subtech Signs Second Charter for Multipurpose Offshore Vessel to Meet the UK’s Offshore Energy Needs

James Fisher Subtech, part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has signed its second charter agreement of 2023. Allowing for the exclusive use and operation of the multipurpose offshore vessel, Olympic Taurus, the agreement with Olympic Subsea increases JF Subtech’s vessel availability and its capacity to support additional projects and further cements its commitment to the UK offshore energy industry.

Novacavi Cable in Antarctica

Designed and manufactured by NOVACAVI an electric custom cable with single mode optical fibers for underwater cameras for static application in extreme environments. This cable has been successfully used during remote monitoring of marine fauna in the Antarctic waters of the Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (Ross Sea Region MPA) within the DISCOVERY project of the National Antarctic Research Programme.

Ocean Business 2023 Jam-packed with Networking Opportunities

In just over two weeks Ocean Business 2023 will open its doors to a world-class showcase of marine technology, live-action demonstrations, a packed conference programme and unbeatable networking opportunities. With more than 300 manufacturers and service providers booked for the sold-out exhibition, this year’s edition of the global technology and science show for marine industries promises to attract record crowds.

Falcon Flies Deeper in Canada's First Nation Waters

Ocean Dynamics has ordered a second, deeper-rated, Saab Seaeye Falcon for the inspection of instrumentation monitoring of the ocean around Canada’s northwest coast and First Nation coastal waters.

Scantrol Delivers Systems for Next Generation’s Unmanned Surface Vessels

During the last few years Scantrol has become a major player in a new market, delivering controls of remotely operated launch and recovery systems for unmanned surface vessels (USV). So far Scantrol has more than 20 orders for USV systems. Five of these deliveries are mTrack systems used to control Hydramec´s Umbilical Management Systems (UMS) for Fugro’s Fugro Blue Volta® ROV.

Boulder and Debris Clearance Services Contract Awarded to Utility ROV Services

Utility ROV Services Ltd are pleased to announce the contract award for Boulder and Debris Clearance Services on the Moray West offshore wind farm. Moray West is being developed by OW Ocean Winds UK, the EDPR-ENGIE joint-venture dedicated to offshore wind energy.

Autonomous Underwater Ground Vehicle in Over-The-Horizon Operation Demonstration at Ocean Business

Bayonet Ocean Vehicles (Bayonet) will be demonstrating the Bayonet 250 autonomous underwater ground vehicle during its first UK demonstration at Ocean Business. This demonstration will include showing the vehicle’s autonomous capability, and over-the-horizon command and control technology provided by fellow exhibitor Greensea Systems, Inc. (Greensea).

Asso.subsea Joins Forces for GAP Interconnection

The GAP Consortium and Asso.subsea announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation on the two-gigawatt (2 GW) electrical interconnection between Greece and Egypt (Greece-Africa Power Interconnector – GAP).

CSS Subsea Entered into a Charter Agreement with GO Offshore

CSS will equip the Vessel with WROV, OBS ROV, Air Spread, and trehching spreads, and will be available for various workscopes not limited to; survey and ROV inspection, trenching operation, air and saturation diving operation

OPENSEA Edge Delivers Untethered Autonomous Operation to Commercially Available ROVs

Greensea Systems, the industry leader in marine robotic software solutions, recently demonstrated untethered autonomy for ROVs. Using a commercially available Defender ROV from VideoRay, outfitted with batteries, acoustic modem, and the new OPENSEA Edge system, Greensea has successfully proven untethered operation of an ROV at sea.

Successful Delivery of Another Ocean Modules V8 M500 ROV System to the Finnish Border Guard

The Finnish Border Guard has been an appreciated client of Ocean Modules who bought their first Ocean Modules V8 Sii ROV systems, back in 2012. Now, ten years later, they are in the process of upgrading their ROV fleet to the latest version of the V8 M500 model as well as attending in their ROV system training courses.

Subsea7 Partners to Pursue Floating Offshore Wind Development in Australia

Subsea7, together with a leading local developer in Australia, Spark Renewables, and international floating offshore wind developer Simply Blue Group have formed a consortium to pursue floating offshore wind development off the coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, in the Hunter and Illawarra regions.

Briggs Marine’s Solent Guardian will be the Setting for Dual Demonstrations of Newly Launched Products

Briggs Marine, a market leading provider of marine and environmental services, will provide their vessel, Solent Guardian, which will be mobilised with applied acoustics INS + USBL positioning system, Pyxis, at Ocean Business from 18th – 20th April 2023. aae technologies will be hosting demonstrations aboard the Solent Guardian for the duration of the event.

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