ROV Planet Articles

Consortium Lead by Forssea Robotics Awarded €3M Grant to Develop Subsea Resident Technologies

French consortium made of Ifremer (French research institute entirely dedicated to the Ocean), FinX (start’up specialized in bio-inspired underwater thrusters) and lead by Forssea Robotics (French leader in remotely operated vehicles) has been awarded a €3M grant to develop and qualify subsea resident patrol technologies.

Monitoring the Seabed and Cultivating a Community

Sonardyne held a two-day Seabed Deformation Technical Workshop bringing together some key members of the Sonardyne academic user community in the USA and Canada to share insights, experiences and how our GNSS-A and AZA instruments can be further improved to meet their future needs.

Aker BP and DeepOcean Complete Autonomous Inspection Trials

Ocean services provider DeepOcean and Aker BP have successfully completed subsea trials with an Autonomous Inspection Drone (AID) at the Aker BP operated Alvheim field in the central North Sea.

Caldwell Adds RUD ROV Hooks to In-Stock Program

The hooks, available in 10t and 25t capacity, are supplied through Caldwell’s dealer network, primarily for use in underwater applications in the Gulf Coast region. Caldwell and the RUD Group unite their sales and marketing activities in North America, and now stock more ROV hooks here than ever before.

Impact Subsea's New Aberdeen Headquarters Showcases Commitment to Growth

Impact Subsea, a company specialising in underwater sensors, recently opened a new chapter in its growth trajectory with the move to larger headquarters in The Aberdeen Energy Park, United Kingdom. The company's headquarters, located at Silverfield House, provide ample space to support the company's sustained growth. Silverfield House provides 12,000 sq ft of modern office, production, training, calibration and demonstration space.

Task Force 59 Launches New Unmanned Task Group 59.1

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command’s Task Force 59 commissioned a new task group focused on unmanned operations during a ceremony here, Jan. 3. The task group, known as Task Group 59.1, focuses on the operational deployment of unmanned systems teamed with manned operators to bolster maritime security across the Middle East region.

N-Sea Strengthens its Offshore Subsea Activities with Hybrid Survey and ROV Support Vessel Geo Ranger

We are pleased to announce that N-Sea Group has entered into an agreement with Geo Plus to long term charter the Dutch flagged vessel Geo Ranger, a modern hybrid survey and ROV support vessel. The Geo Ranger will accompany the Geo Focus which is already under N-Sea management and control.

U.S. Navy Announces Launch of Vanguard Unmanned Surface Vessel

The U.S. Navy’s newest Overlord Unmanned Surface Vessel Vanguard (OUSV3), was recently launched from Austal USA’s shipyard in Mobile, Alabama. Vanguard is the first USV for the Navy purpose-built for autonomous operations from the keel-up.

EVENT: Open Call for Glider School 2024

We are pleased to announce the application period opening for Glider School 2024, available until June 30th. The Glider School is the leading hands-on ocean-glider technology training forum, to be held at PLOCAN headquarters, from October 21st to 25th, 2024.

Four More NEMOs on Their Way

U-Boat Worx are thrilled to announce the delivery of four more NEMO submarines, marking a significant expansion of the largest fleet of privately owned manned submersibles. These submarines are now set for sea trials, a crucial phase in ensuring their operational excellence.

Terna Tests Terradepth AUVs for Marine Geophysical Surveys

The first test was conducted off the coast near the port of Casamicciola Terme, on the island of Ischia (Naples, Italy). During geophysical surveying of the seabed, Terna’s technicians were able to test the performance of the “Gavia” drone, the AUV from Terradepth employed for the purpose, equipped with advanced sensors, including Echo Sounder (MBES), Side Scan Sonar and HD Camera.

Humans Mingle with Robots at Immersive Event to Launch UK Research Centre

The UK’s newest robotics research centre was launched with a special immersive event at The University of Manchester. Hundreds of students, academics, and industry representatives were treated to a display of the latest robotic and autonomous systems to raise awareness of CRADLE – the Centre for Robotic Autonomy in Demanding and Long-lasting Environments.

DeepTech Pens Long-term Deal with BP

Deepwater services and intervention specialists, DeepTech, has won a three-year contract to deliver rig support ROV services for BP on the West Nile Delta development offshore Egypt.

DeepOcean Charters Converted Offshore Support Vessel

Ocean services provider DeepOcean has agreed to charter a converted, battery-powered vessel to further enhance its subsea offering to the offshore renewables and oil and gas industries.

TMC Subsidiary NORI Completes Key Offshore Research Campaign, Evaluating Seafloor Ecosystem Function a Year Post Nodule Collection Test

Despite illegal disruptions from Greenpeace International aimed at hindering the collection of key environmental data requested by the ISA’s Legal and Technical Commission, researchers were able to complete the major components of the scientific work scope slated for the campaign. The data gathered will further support NORI’s application to the International Seabed Authority for a commercial exploitation contract, which it expects to submit following the July 2024 meeting of the ISA.

Underwater Sensor Manufacturer, Impact Subsea, Reveals New Brand Identity

Impact Subsea has revealed a new brand identity incorporating an updated logo, icon and look. The new logo is an evolution of the original while the icon is based on a unique mechanical design feature found in every Impact Subsea sensor.

Polish Navy Adds New T20-S Module to GAVIA AUV

Teledyne Gavia is pleased to announce that the Polish Ministry of Defence (MOD) is bolstering its underwater survey capabilities by procuring the Teledyne RESON SeaBat T20-S Module for the group's GAVIA Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). These AUVs have been successfully employed by the Polish MOD for mine countermeasures (MCM) since 2014 and currently comprise a fleet of four (4) GAVIA AUVs, each equipped with extensive capabilities.

TMC Subsidiary NORI Shares Preliminary Findings on Environmental Impacts of Pilot Nodule Collection System Test

Additional qualitative data acquired this month using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at the seafloor in the NORI-D area show that sessile organisms identified during NORI’s environmental baseline studies are still present twelve months after its pilot nodule collection system test in areas that have been influenced by the seafloor plume.

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