Ocean Robotics Planet Articles

Articles for Tag or Tags: Rovtech

Number of matching Articles: 4

Rovtech is to Acquire the VALOR Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Business from Seatronics

The strategic acquisition will enhance Rovtech’s position as a global technology leader in manufacturing robotics, tooling and harsh environment equipment for nuclear and subsea operations.

Ventex Acquires Rovtech Solutions

Cumbria-based Rovtech is the third business to become part of our climate tech venture studio, which is focussed on repurposing companies, technologies, skills and experience in the existing supply chain to support renewable energy markets.

Rovtech Solutions Ltd and Deepsea Solutions AS, have formed a Memorandum of Understanding to Formalise their Newest Business Venture

Deepsea Solutions AS, located just outside Stavanger in Norway, specialise in the sale, service and design of ROVs, ROV components, and subsea solutions. Deepsea Solutions works towards the whole subsea segment in Scandinavia and offers a broad range of standard and bespoke engineered products for subsea projects. They have a long record with developing ROV Solutions and optimizing tooling for the industry.

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