Ocean Robotics Planet Articles

Articles for Tag or Tags: Emergency Response

Number of matching Articles: 2

Turkey Gets Falcon For Emergency Response

The rapid detection of hazardous substances in Turkey’s offshore water is made possible with a Saab Seaeye Falcon operated by MOST Maritime and Environmental Services.

OPITO calls for US to adopt common global standards

Global safety, standards and workforce development organisation OPITO has called out to the US oil and gas sector to fully embrace common industry standards to help build a stronger safety culture across the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in line with other areas in the world. Speaking at the OTC conference on Tuesday 2nd May during a technical session on approaches to improving health, safety, and environment performance, the industry body highlighted the need for its International Offshore Emergency Response (ER) Framework to be implemented in the region to ensure personnel are equipped to react in the same way when life threatening situations occur.

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